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The Student Council members of Inland Leaders Charter School invite you to show your support by sponsoring the posting of a U.S. Flag on the front lawn of ILCS on selected National Holidays. Your support gives you an opportunity to display patriotic spirit, pride, and love for our country to the community while providing funds that the Student Council can raise to support themselves and their efforts to attend a group field trip to tour our state capital, Sacramento, to learn more about governance and leadership. A banner with flag sponsors (see second image above) will be placed on the fence facing California Street throughout the year to advertise your support. 

On each of the 5 Holidays, a 3’ x 5’ U.S. Flag mounted on a PVC pole will be placed on the front lawn of the ILCS California Street Campus. The flags will be set out around sunrise on the day of the holiday and collected around sunset on the same day. Flag-flying days will depend on the holiday calendar. ILCS students will display, store, and maintain the flags, and the flags remain the property of ILCS. 

Flags will be displayed on: 

Veterans Day (Observered on 11/08/24 at ILCS) 

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - 12/07/24
Presidents' Day - 02/17/25
Memorial Day -  05/26/25
Tyler Davis Day - 06/04/25


If you have any questions on this fundraiser, please email Mr. Chacon at 

Check or cash payments can be given to Mr. Chacon in the CSC front office and made out Inland Leaders Charter School. 

Flag Project Fundraiser

  • You are purchasing Flag Service for the following dates:

    Veterans Day - 11/11/24

    Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - 12/07/24

    Presidents' Day - 02/17/25

    Memorial Day -  05/26/25

    Tyler Davis Day - 06/04/25

    The term of this fundraiser starts September 11th of each year and ends June 7th of the following year.

  • There are no returns or exchanges for this service.

Contact Us

Inland Leaders Charter Schools

12375 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399


1.909.446.1125 FAX

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